Principal's Message
Welcome to the website for Eaton High School. Our goal is to provide accurate and up to date information to the community, students, and parents of Eaton High School. We have great facilities in the Eaton Community School District thanks to our supportive community.
Eaton High School is a comprehensive high school that offers many educational and extra-curricular opportunities for our students. We know that classroom performance combined with participation in school activities generates the most positive school experience. Students are encouraged to take an active role in their education. Students are held to high expectations while attending Eaton High School. Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers and administration for the betterment of their child.
The staff at Eaton High School is excited to work with the students, parents, and community to help make 2022-2023 a successful school year. The goal for Eaton High School, in partnership with our community, is to provide diverse and progressive educational opportunities while guiding individuals to become ethical citizens by developing cooperation, positive attitudes, and responsibilities for excellence. The students at Eaton High School will be exposed to Advanced Placement (AP) and College Credit Plus courses, manufacturing opportunities, and the military branches.
I appreciate the involvement of the community and parents in school events, and look forward to working with you throughout the school year.
Scott Couch
Eaton High School
(937) 456-1141
Twitter-@Eaton Eagles HS